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content marketing expertise | fluxt agency


Content Marketing

  • Content can be one of the perfect ways to deliver brand value.

    Attract, engage, and retain including drive your audience's behavior by creating and sharing relevant words.



Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and editing web content. It can include writing blog posts and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts, and content for specific platforms. We increase your engagement, spread awareness of your business, and measure the success of the content we create. Delivering information to customers or users is an art. By choosing a language according to the target market, we also follow the tone of voice that a business already had, and differentiate what will be written on the website, social media, and blogs/articles.
content marketing expertise | fluxt agency
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content marketing expertise | fluxt agency
MacBook Pro near white opened book photo
seo text wallpaper photo
content marketing expertise | fluxt agency
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person writing on MacBook Pro photo
person writing on notebook photo
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person writing on MacBook Pro photo
person writing on notebook photo
person writing on white book photo



To share valuable information about a brand, earn customer trust, improve engagement, and create opportunities for sales - we provide relevant content for a website, social media, and others in a modern way.
/skills I/

Planning and Research

A content plan and research identifies the types of content you want to create for your business and establishes criteria for the production process. Your plan will indicate the responsibilities and objectives toward your marketing efforts and goals.

Effectively planning your content and research what content it is going to be does not only serve as a crucial part of your marketing efforts, but also as a foundation of your brand awareness.

In short, “content planning is a layout of what kind of content needs to be produced, how it will be produced, where it will be published, and what is the right time to execute the plan.”, and “content research is the first action after planning, about what content that suit your brand and the target audiences as well”.

/skills II/


Writers should always aim to provide original content, regardless of the subject. Content writers should be able to take research and convert that knowledge into interesting and informative content for readers — have to know the importance and value of originality in our lives. Original content positively impacts readers by presenting their site as a respected and reliable resource for information.

/skills III/

Writing and Grammatical

Content writing allows you to be active in your field and present your business ideas in various forms and on multiple platforms. Posting regular content lets people know what your business is about. It informs them about what you do and how you can help them. This drives the interest of people more in your business.

And while writing the content for marketing, grammar is an essential part of content marketing and should be taken seriously because the improper use of a word or a run-on sentence can jeopardize the performance of any given content. Even if you proofread something hundreds of times and are certain that it is mistake-free, there still may be a grammatical error or two hiding from you.

/skills IV/

Proofread and Editing

Proofreading, on the other hand, is about finding errors both small and large that were either missed or introduced during editing. Proofreaders ensure that the document's final draft is completely free of grammatical errors (e.g., subject–verb agreement problems, incorrect word choices, improper punctuation usage, and incorrect spelling) as formatting and typographical errors — make sure the document adheres to the chosen style guide.

/skills V/

Content Management

Content management refers to the end-to-end process of sourcing, creating, managing, and delivering content — the process for collection, delivery, retrieval, governance and overall management of information in any format. The term is typically used in reference to administration of the digital content lifecycle, from creation to permanent storage or deletion. The content involved may be images, video, audio and multimedia as well as text.



Content or collection of words in your profile, landing pages, social media, or else could be one of the greatest weapons to engage your target audience. Please don't wonder too much, let us answer it with our faqs.
/Question I/

What are the benefits of a content marketing?

The key benefit is guiding people towards buying from you with confidence. When there are hundreds or thousands of other businesses like yours that people could buy from, content is how you differentiate your brand and show them why they should be doing business with you. Besides that, you can gain bonds and trust with your audiences as well. With that benefit, the awareness of your business will go up.
/Question II/

Which one of the services if I need this expertise?

You can use this expertise in all of our services, depending on your business needs. You can use this expertise in brand building, in social media to have a bond and engage your audience, in the website to have authentic articles, in software development to help visualize your brand in the application.
/Question III/

What are the benefits of a content marketing?

Yes, of course. Your current or future customer is not interested in your product, they are interested in solving a problem or challenge, usually both organizational and personal. By leveraging inbound marketing tactics companies can share content with the intention of inspiring their audiences. Instead of pushing out product or service information, content is intended to stand out based on elements such as authenticity.
/Question IV/

I already have a landing page or social media, can I hire you to help me manage the content?

Yes, You can. You don't have to choose a full option in this expertise. We will help you manage the content or maybe create as well based on your business needs, or your term.
/Question V/

Can I hire you for this expertise on my project?

Yes, you can. Generally speaking, when you start a project with us for a certain service, we will ask you certain questions regarding the needs of this expertise. We will help market your business with content based on your needs.

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